Logistics Glossary

Get to know the vital terms of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.


What Do You Mean By FIPS?

FIPS refers to the minimum US federal government standards to standardize and ensure security for computer systems, data processing, and information sharing with contractors of federal agencies. The standards will promote interconnectivity, data integrity, and security, especially for systems in the government and its contractors dealing with sensitive and classified information.

Important Features of FIPS

Government Standardization

FIPS is compulsorily imposed on government agencies and contractors handling government systems. This entails standardized procedures for as simple operations as encryption algorithm practices and even data processing operations.

Data and System Security

One of the main focuses of FIPS is the proper security and protection of sensitive data, such as encrypting data, secure controls of access, and other risk management procedures. For instance, the FIPS 140-2 is one of the widely accepted standards for cryptographic modules; it deals with security requirements to safeguard sensitive information.

Interoperability and Compatibility

FIPS standards ensure that government systems and those of contractors can harmonize with each other perfectly. Agencies can share information and resources more efficiently by following the same protocols and guidelines thus reducing operations malfunctions resulting from incompatible systems.

Contractor Compliance

The contractors and the third-party firms that will work with the federal government must abide by FIPS, especially in cases where they deal with government data. In case of non-compliance, contracts will be lost and lawsuits will ensue.

Why is FIPS Important?

FIPS has been vital in the protection of government data, continued system security, and regulation of all federal agencies to adhere to the set rules. Cyber threats are kept at bay with the promotion of standards that enhance consistent and secure information technologies to ensure efficiency in the operation of government.


FIPS, therefore, plays a great role in the standardization and security of computer systems for the government and data processing. FIPS does this by providing assurance that federal agencies as well as their contractors employ consistent, secure practices. This helps to protect sensitive information and promotes efficient system interoperability.